West Brom

West Brom (WBA)

Location: England
Founded: 1878
Alternative names: West Bromwich Albion FC
Stadium:The Hawthorns(West Bromwich, Sandwell, West Midlands)

West Brom's Premier League History

Here you can see a summary of West Brom's history in their 13 seasons in the Premier League since it's formation in 1992.
This data includes both current and past seasons so you can see for example, if West Brom have ever have won the Premier League or been relegated and when, their highest and lowest league finishes as well as their average finishing position and more.
Total Premier League Seasons:
13 seasons (494 matches)
Premier League Titles:
Premier League Runner-ups:
Total Premier League Points:
490 points over 13 seasons
Highest league finish:
Lowest league finish:
Average league finish:
Average league points:
38 points per season | 0.99 points per match
Average goals scored:
39 goals per season | 1.03 goals per match
Average goals conceeded:
59 goals per season | 1.56 goals per match
Position distribution:
In their 13 Premier League seasons West Brom has finished:
* = includes current season.
8th1 time
10th2 times
11th1 time
13th1 time
14th1 time
17th2 times
19th3 times
20th2 times

West Brom Matches

Who is West Brom playing today, when is the next West Brom game?

Goals scored: 5(0.83/match)
Goals conceeded: 15(2.5/match)

West Broms Next Matches

No upcoming matches found

West Broms Last Matches

West Brom Standings

West Brom Standings in all current competitions and seasons.